08 June 2010

SkIn FooD!!!!!!!

First time ever in my whole life, i felt like a product from skin food is not sticky......The product's name which I meant was the Aloe Sunscreen Essence SPF27 PA++(UV Protection)

product img

07 June 2010

Is Altantuya A Forbidden Issue??????????

  cover buku 1 funny malaysia.jpg

1. I condemn the action by the police and officers from the Home Ministry who confiscated my book, "1 Funny Malaysia" from bookstores in Penang, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan and Kuala Lumpur recently. According to news report, the raids were carried out under Section 18 of Printing Press and Publications Act.

2. For the record, the book was in market since November last year, and most of my work in the book had been published on Malaysiakini.

3. This is my second book to be confiscated in recent months. August last year, my office in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur was raided by eight officers from the Home Ministry and 408 copies of the inaugural issue of my cartoon magazine, Gedung Kartun (Cartoon Store) were seized. gedung-kartun-cover-small.gif

4. On the next day, the Home Ministry officers raided the factory that printed Gedung Kartun magazine and seized 18 printing plates of the magazine.

The statement:

1. What is the similarity between these two publications? Both touched Altantuya Issue. The front cover of Gedung Kartun shows a drawing of the Prime Minister holding the Mongolia flag, the country which Altantuya was from; where as front cover of "1 Funny Malaysia" shows the Prime Minister riding a sub-marine which was re-named KD Altantuya, after the Mongolian.

2. This high profile murder case is the most talked-about issue in Malaysia. Even though two low ranking officers were convicted by court, public opinion still presumes the involvement of a high ranking politician.

3. As a cartoonist, it is my duty to highlight current issues in my cartoons that are in line of people's aspiration. It has been my cartooning philosophy to tell the truth and give correct information through my work.

4. Is it wrong to be telling the truth or opinion through cartoons? Does this mean that the Altantuya issue is forbidden in Malaysia? Is there anything to hide?

5. Based on these circumstances, I firmly believe that the action is purely politically motivated. I am sure there will be no action taken if the content is siding with the ruling party.

6. It is also a total violation of press freedom, freedom of expression and the principles of democracy.

7. I hereby condemn the action by the Home Ministry and the police, and urge them to return the confiscated copies.

8. As a cartoonist, I will not stop exposing the wrongdoings of the authority. In fact I have just released a new cartoon book called “Sumpah di Bumi Komisen” which highlighted the same issues albeit in a different light.

(Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque)
Political cartoonist, Editor
012 3058262
03 22744931

02 May 2010

Something About Girls

When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind. When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply. When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around. When a GIRL answers ' I'm fine ' after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine . When a GIRL stares at you she is wondering why you are lying. When a GIRL lays on your chest .. she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered. When a GIRL says ' I love you ' .. she means it. When a GIRL says ' I miss you ' .... no one in this world can miss you more than that. Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person .... Find a guy .. who calls you beautiful instead of hot. who calls you back when you hang up on him. who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ... kisses your forehead. Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Who turns to his friends and says, ' That's her!! ' If you open this you have to repost it, guy or girl, or you will have bad luck for the rest of your life!!!!! If I don't get this back I guess your not my friend. If you have a lot of love for someone. copy and send this to your whole list. In 5 minutes your true love will call or message you. Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they like you. Something good will happen to you at approx. 1:42pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. So get ready for the biggest shock of your life. If you break this chain,you will be cursed with relationship problems for the most important time of your life.

17 January 2010

Schoolgirl smashes the world record as she lets 25 snails slide across her face......


There will be no need for a slow-motion replay to confirm this record-breaking feat.

Schoolgirl Tiana Walton has slithered into the record books - for having the most snails on her face at once. 

Nine-year-old Tiana, who loves animals, bravely allowed 25 of the slimy creatures to cover her eyes, nose and mouth.

12 January 2010

Haunted Places in Malaysia!!!!!!!!!!

Ever been to anywhere in Malaysia and experienced paranormal hauntings? Curious to know where are the places that you can visit to experience one yourself? The below are lists of Malaysia’s top haunted places that you can, may or even experience ghosts.
  1. Georgetown, Penang – A T-junction better known as The Deadly Junction is located beside the Union High School. It is said that if you ever drive through this lonely road late at night, your car will go out of control and crash due to the too many accidents that happened there. It is also said that there is a tiny unknown tree beside the road which looks like a lady carrying a child. The story was known by some old folks saying that this lady was once a bomoh (witch doctor) who kidnapped her sister’s son. Somehow, they never again appeared anywhere except other than being seen beside this road
  2. St Michael's Institution, Ipoh – A group of Catholics missionaries arrived here in 1912 and began building a school next to the famous Kinta River. It did not take long for the missionary brothers who ran the school to have enough funds to erect a huge school building with unique French structural design. When the WW2 broke out, the school was used bu Japanese secret police as their headquarters. Needless to say, there were lots of torturing carried out. The buidling itself had many tunnels which had been sealed off and the tunnels were said to be used by the Japanese to torture prisoners and to store food. Most of the sightings occurs in the Chapel on the fourth floor of the bluiding where a Brother was seen dressed in a black robe holding praying beands in a sitting position facing towards the door (which leads to the brothers quarters) in the very early morning without a head. Those who had witnessed it were asked to keep it a secret
  3. Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Kuala Kangsar, Perak – This school is said to be a former site of Japanese occupation camp during WW2. Students would sometimes be awakened by something that stares down directly at them. A marching platoon can be heard in the field and sounds of dragging chains can be heard through the campus corridors. A tree on the campus, which is located right beside a lampost where the light shines down on it, reflects a shadow of a man hanging from the tree! A few other old colonial admin buildings that were used by the Japanese during the Occupation in the 1940s where executions are taken place are buildings like Victoria Institution and Bukit Bintang Girls School
  4. MARA Junior Science College, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor – A white flying apparition can be seen in various parts of the building
  5. Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur – A boys school was tured into a Japanese base during the Occupation. Many British soldiers and locals were brutally tortured to death in the basement and some older buildings on the campus. It is said that not only are apparitions common in the day as well as in the night, there had also been many cases of spirits possessing students. The possessed boys would behave strangely and even violently harming other students and teachers, forcing the stronger teachers and students to restrain him. The possesed boy would only snap out of it a few hours later and remembering nothing
  6. Tambun, Ipoh, Perak – Singtings of an old lady on the roadside while driving
  7. Tambun Inn, Ipoh, Perak – Lights were reported to turn on and off by itself and sounds of whispering could be heard where no one was around
  8. Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur – A spooky place to be even when it is actually one of the most elite residential areas in Kuala Lumpur. This place with its many big and tall trees and very winding roads, has an eerie feeling about it even at broad daylight. It is said that a few years ago two youth embarked on a high speed motorcycle chase around the curvy roads of the area. One of the youth crashed at a dark stretch ofthe road , which is actually a very sharp corner. There have been claims about sightings of a young man riding a motorcycle at high speed, who mysteriously vanished in the dark
  9. Poliklinik Cheras, Kuala Lumpur – Used to be a government hospital but it is being abandoned with no reason. There were rumors that say there are still some dead patients that loiters around the area
  10. Genting Highlands Resort, Pahang – A famous hill top resort and casino, many people incurred gambling debts and committed suicide there. Some visitors leaving the hotel lobby reported seeing a man in red jump from the rooftop, just to disappear before he hits the ground. Certain rooms are not available for rent no matter how full the hotel was. Those who have seen the inside reported that it was filled with old Chinese ghost wards. They would subsequently fall sick for days afterwards
  11. Highland Towers, Kuala Lumpur – A tragic event where one of the 3 blocks of apartment at this place fell apart due to landslide and heavy downpour prior to that fateful day. Since then, the Highland Towers have become famous for claims of being a veryhaunted place. Voices of the dead can be heard at night and ghostly figures are said to have appeared at the scene. There are also a story about a taxi driver who picked up a woman passenger at the middle of the night and being asked to drop her at the place.She left a bag and the poor taxi driver found it to be full of blood!
  12. Police Station in Tras, Pahang – During the 1950’s, a police corporal and his wife were found in a state of shock and terror after opening their door to an unknown figure. Many police personnel were terrorized by this entity that other policemen would rather resign than being transferred to this remote station
  13. Kellies Castle, Perak -Sometimes door are opened themselves and lots of scary screaming voices can be heard.
  14. Puchong House, Kuala Lumpur – Evil drawings on the walls. Some say the ghost of a woman who used to stay there haunts the place. Other than that, just stepping into the house is enough to keep you awake for months.
  15. S.K (1) Kuala Ampang, Selangor – Could hear taps in the toilet running by itself and sightings of a lady in white walking behindthe school compound.

2009 top 10 famous deaths in Hollywood

I came up with the list by considering three factors:
1) How much I like them personally,
2) How much they contributed to entertainment industry,
3) Shock value. 
So,if u r likely to disagree with me,it's ok. Comments needed so feel free to share your comments. 

This is the top 10 famous death stories in Hollywood - 2009
  1. Michael Jackson 50
  2. Jennifer Jones 90
  3. Patrick Swayze 57
  4. Farrah Fawcett 62
  5. Ed McMahon 86
  6. Karl Malden 97
  7. Billy Mays 50
  8. David Carradine 72
  9. Ted Kennedy 77
  10. Al Martino 82

05 December 2009

Creative Finger Nail Art

You know that some girls are obsessed with their nails but this is even more interesting.
Finger Nail Art has become a fascinating task for most women all over the world to make their fingers and nails look attractive. Many people consider having great looking nails very special and appealing. It is a great pleasure to look at beautiful manicured nails. Attractive and long nails look stylish and sophisticated.
Check out very creative finger nail art!!!



funny malaysians!!!!!!!!!!!!


Understanding Computers

Hey guys and girls wanna know the most best way of understanding the computers well here u may look funny but trust me it really works ya.............

30 November 2009

Protest staged outside Penang state assembly

A group of state Barisan Nasional youth leaders and supporters numbering more than 100 staged a protest outside the Penang legislative assembly this afternoon against the Pakatan Rakyat state government. This happened on Nov 30th 2009.

28 November 2009

Ojani Noa Vows Release of J. Lo Sex Tape

Ojani Noa may be a total unknown, and his ex-wife Jennifer Lopez one of the world's most successful entertainers. But that's not about to keep him down.  Noa,  is promising to make intimate sex tapes / home videos of the star public next week, despite the star's attempts to block him in court via his agent.  Jennifer Lopez does not want these videos to be entered into open court, where the media and the public can obtain copies of them and watch or share them. J. Lo filed a $10 million lawsuit against Ojani Noa this month and wants a permanent court order barring her ex-husband from releasing their sex tape. She also blocked Noa's similar efforts in 2004.

Ojani Noa PicJ. Lo Cleavage
                                 Who is Ojani Noa? No clue, but he was once Mr. J. Lo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lopez and legal team have already won court battles against Noa and contend that he is prohibited from talking about her and making the videos public.A court order currently in place until December 1 prevents Noa from leaking the video. But December 1 is Tuesday, and Meyer also disputes that ruling.Meyer emailed J. Lo's counsel (and the media) saying he'll "be filing ALL, repeat ALL, Documents, 11 hours + of Home Videos, DVDs, Photographs, etc."Published reports say the J. Lo sex tape contains images of her motorcycle without pants and also show an argument with her mother. Possibly naked.Ojani Noa and Jennifer Lopez were married briefly in the 1990s. If these tapes get out, it'll be even more embarrassing for her than that fall on stage.

27 November 2009

Latest fashion for girls!!!!!!!!!!

Which is latest fashion for girls? What is latest trend now? In my opinion, it's baggy look. Latest fashion for girls are wearing clothes that are loose.If the clothes are loose it still gives a very sexy look. I personally like girls in this way.


26 November 2009

Hybrid Animals pictures