08 June 2010

SkIn FooD!!!!!!!

First time ever in my whole life, i felt like a product from skin food is not sticky......The product's name which I meant was the Aloe Sunscreen Essence SPF27 PA++(UV Protection)

product img

07 June 2010

Is Altantuya A Forbidden Issue??????????

  cover buku 1 funny malaysia.jpg

1. I condemn the action by the police and officers from the Home Ministry who confiscated my book, "1 Funny Malaysia" from bookstores in Penang, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan and Kuala Lumpur recently. According to news report, the raids were carried out under Section 18 of Printing Press and Publications Act.

2. For the record, the book was in market since November last year, and most of my work in the book had been published on Malaysiakini.

3. This is my second book to be confiscated in recent months. August last year, my office in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur was raided by eight officers from the Home Ministry and 408 copies of the inaugural issue of my cartoon magazine, Gedung Kartun (Cartoon Store) were seized. gedung-kartun-cover-small.gif

4. On the next day, the Home Ministry officers raided the factory that printed Gedung Kartun magazine and seized 18 printing plates of the magazine.

The statement:

1. What is the similarity between these two publications? Both touched Altantuya Issue. The front cover of Gedung Kartun shows a drawing of the Prime Minister holding the Mongolia flag, the country which Altantuya was from; where as front cover of "1 Funny Malaysia" shows the Prime Minister riding a sub-marine which was re-named KD Altantuya, after the Mongolian.

2. This high profile murder case is the most talked-about issue in Malaysia. Even though two low ranking officers were convicted by court, public opinion still presumes the involvement of a high ranking politician.

3. As a cartoonist, it is my duty to highlight current issues in my cartoons that are in line of people's aspiration. It has been my cartooning philosophy to tell the truth and give correct information through my work.

4. Is it wrong to be telling the truth or opinion through cartoons? Does this mean that the Altantuya issue is forbidden in Malaysia? Is there anything to hide?

5. Based on these circumstances, I firmly believe that the action is purely politically motivated. I am sure there will be no action taken if the content is siding with the ruling party.

6. It is also a total violation of press freedom, freedom of expression and the principles of democracy.

7. I hereby condemn the action by the Home Ministry and the police, and urge them to return the confiscated copies.

8. As a cartoonist, I will not stop exposing the wrongdoings of the authority. In fact I have just released a new cartoon book called “Sumpah di Bumi Komisen” which highlighted the same issues albeit in a different light.

(Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque)
Political cartoonist, Editor
012 3058262
03 22744931