14 November 2009


I started to keep a pair of hamsters when i was in secondary school, it was a very fun and exciting experience especially when one of them sneak out of the cage and roaming in living room. Luckily my dog which is a rott weiler had already taken his dinner, if not I wonder what will happen? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Syrian HamsterHamster can be found in any pet shops nowadays, five species are sold as pets although there are more species in the wild. The most common hamster is the Syrian Hamster, experts say the Syrian is the hamster to get for a younger child. Because of its larger size, it is less likely to be injured by accidentally squeezing.

Dwarf Campbell Russian HamsterDwarf Campbell Russian hamsters is smaller then Syrian, and more social.

Drawf Winter White HamsterDwarf Winter White hamsters change color in cold weather to a shade of white, they are slightly smaller then Dwarf Campbell Russian.

Roborovski HamsterThe smallest hamster is the
Roborovski. These tiny creatures are very fast on their feet and very entertaining. They live longer too.

Chinese HamsterLast but not the least, is the
Chinese hamster, which has a very sweet temperament and will rarely bite.

Which one do you think is the cutest?